Hot Springs USA
Bringing Pets to Mexico
City in Mexico
My name is Mike. I am a hot springs addict. I don’t want to recover. If you feel the same way, check out these locations. The excellent books Hot Springs & Hot Pools of the Southwest and Hot Springs & Hot Pools of the Northwest, is no longer written by Marjorie Gersh-Young. She has retired. Although there is a new editor, check the publication date. Marjorie’s last book was 2008 and that is still for sale. Get it (or other hot springs books) at Amazon. Hot Springs Books
Alas, my book on Mexico’s hot springs is out of print . Spas & Hot Springs of Mexico sells for $70 on Amazon. If you find a used copy, it still is good to locate Mexico’s hot springs.
The love stories that pepper the descriptions either elevate the book to literature (or thrust it to the depths of tawdry / bawdy kiss-and-tell missives. Either way, they make it different than a travel guide. The springs are now all more upscale, though not froufrou like spas. They usually have decent cabins by the springs and always camping.
I’ll make a link here for any hot spring in the U.S. Just contact me.
Montana Hot Springs
Norris Hot Springs is run by a fellow Mexico traveler, so that makes it doubly attractive in my book. Holly, the owner, took the time to write before driving to La Manzanilla. She even said this of my site: “Been reading through your website. Nice job. Thank you. Also, looked at your hot springs info – thought I would let you know about mine – thanks for caring, holly .”
New Mexico Hot Springs
Truth or Consequences, NM Riverbend Hot Springs. OK, maybe I have two favorites! Since the original owners, Serena and Ezy have moved into semi-retirement, their son, Jake, has taken over. He’s a really nice guy and continues the tradition of a family-run retreat. (That said, most hot springs devotees know this, but I should point out that clothing is optional in the soaking area).
Riverbend Hot Springs is reasonably-priced. Very nice atmosphere on the river. Very nice. I uncharacteristically waxed poetic about it, so the waters may have some special properties. I said:
This is my first time back here in nine years. When I lived in Las Cruces, I stayed here a couple of times on short getaway trips. It was lovely then, and it is far and away even more lovely now. T or C, and better yet, Riverbend Hot Springs, is the place to get away and relax and rejuvenate. A lot of collective love has been put into this place. There are signs and clues of love, contemplation and joy everywhere I look. The tubs are terrific, the facility is clean, well kept, and peaceful. And, the river’s beauty certainly tops it all off to create more delight. Thanks so much!
The Pie Town Cafe, Pietown, NM is not exactly a hot spring. Actually it is not a hot spring at all. But my old friends and soaking buddies, Camilla Van Sickle, Bill Pennington, who used to run El Dorado in AZ have moved to the Great Divide and are cooking up a storm. I can’t be sure, but they have something to do with pies. You really should visit their cafe if you are in the neighborhood.