RV Guide: Jalisco has such a variety of RV parks that I divided them into two articles. Once you leave Nayarit state heading south, the scenery and your choices of RV parks become more varied. Most everyone knows the beach towns around Vallarta. But for variety, check out some parks in the central part of Jalisco. Even if you are a beach lover, a little variety could spice up your love life.

Mexican RV Insurance in Guadalajara Mexico
Mexican RV Insurance in Guadalajara Mexico

Proceed south of the Santa Maria del Oro (Koala Bungalows) turnoff from MEX-15D. Stay on the toll road. The tollway is wide, and it’s easy to speed.

Jalisco RV Parks Map – Click to Download Your Copy in High RES PDF
Jalisco RV Parks Map – Click to Download Your Copy in High RES PDF

RV Guide: Jalisco Parks

Scenery and Obsidian

You’re on a high plateau, ringed by mountains, some volcanic. Among the most interesting scenes are the fields of black obsidian on both sides of the road. Obsidian used to be more valuable than gold and Jalisco state has the fourth-largest deposits of it on earth. Not sure about other planets. Indigenous peoples prized it since they could make it sharper than the Spaniards could their steel. In mano-a-mano battles with the Spaniards, the mano with the obsidian sword usually sliced off the others.

Today it is used to make jewelry and comes in half a dozen colors. Black is the most common and you’ll see it alongside the road. Should you have an interest in it, visit Navajas, thirty kilometers SW of Guadalajara.

RV Guide: Jalisco – Delia’s Trailer Park in Etzatlán.

At 24 MI, you pass the turn at Jala for Vallarta. There is an improved toll road that makes driving easy. It is not complete all the way to Vallarta, but maybe this year. 

If you want to see Amatlan de Canas, you can exit here for Amatlan de Canas and Etzatlán.

Directions from the North For Those Comfortable With Curves

This route is the shortest. The road is a good two-lane with an occasional guardrail thrown in for effect. Near to the beginning, it is very twisty with some double downhill curves. It would be a blast in a Ferrari, but not so much in a Bounder. 

Go 5 MI west. At the junction, double back (left) to Avakatlan. At the next junction, 2 miles later, turn right (S). Though this road has a number, 4, people rarely know highway numbers. In Mexico, roads are more likely known from where they go, in this case, the Carretera Libre El Refugio-San Marcos.

At 18.5 MI go through Amatlan de Canas, a pretty little town with warm (not hot) springs balnearios, and hotels. 

41.5 MI, come to the burg of Etzatlán. Park on left in town, Pass abandoned GAS station, right. Pass intersection with the highway from Magdalena, left.  PH: 33 1308 1639,  physical address Carretera El Refugio – San Marcos km 39.5. Enormous park with large grassy lots.

Although maps show a nearly straight-line route from Magdalena, I don’t recommend it. Keep going.

12 MI, pass Volcán de Tequila, left. The town of Tequila is over to the east, but the exit was behind you, or it can be the next one ahead.

Directions from the South or North–The Easy Way

Continue 18.52 MI to El Arenal where the Maxilibramiento intersects. There is no exit for Etzatlán from it, so continue to the next big highway junction ½ MI ahead. 

From El Arenal go 7 miles to a junction at Jala with MEX-70. Turn left (west). Go 16.8 MI to jct. with JAL-4. Continue a mere 24 MI to Etzatlán RV Park is before you enter town on your right. 

San Jose del Tajo, Guadalajara

There is only one trailer park in the city of Guadalajara. In its day, it was one of the grandest parks in Mexico with space for 200 rigs. Sadly, time moves on for all of us. The park still has majestic grounds with stately trees and lush grassy lots. The swimming pool is often empty. The bathrooms are chancy. If you are self-contained; don’t need to dump and want to explore Guadalajara, this could be a suitable place for you. It is certainly one of the lowest-priced RV parks in Mexico. 

Mexican RV Insurance for Guadalajara
Mexican RV Insurance for Guadalajara

From the junction of MEX-15D and the road to El Arenal keep going on Libramiento Nogales, as MEX-15 is called here. You will be in moderate city traffic. After 18 MI, exit onto Periferico PTE. (Av. Lopez Mateos Sur). At 6 miles, get into lateral. Get in lateral after passing Hospital Puerta de Hierro at 6 miles. Then Sam’s and Flextronics factory all on left. Just past Natural Adventure Fun Park, at 8 miles turn right.  Go up city street to TP there will be signs.

Jocotepec (Lake Chapala)

One of the nicest parks in Mexico. On the shores of the lake, grassy lots, swimming pool. Thermal waters. Steam baths, cabins, volleyball courts, 30 Amps, grills, and 65 sites. Big rigs okay. Connect via WhatsApp +523310431768. Web: https://www.clubrocaazul.com/ 


Jocotepec (Lake Chapala)
Jocotepec (Lake Chapala)

Chimulco Trailer Park

This combo trailer park (big rigs ok), water park (little kids ok) and cabins is very popular, both with locals who flock to the Balneario on weekends and RVers and tourists who fill it out during the week. The thermal water temperature varies according to whom is measuring it. The trailer park no longer has a website, but this is from the water park page (https://www.chimulco.com.mx/). Water is either 36 ℃ (96.8 ℉) or 38.8 ℃ (102℉) and the pH is 7.5.  I’ve seen much higher temps on other sites, but I’m sticking with the official version. It’s a very nice place, regardless. Whatsapp: 3311852962 PH: 01 387 778 0014, 01 387 778 0209 Av. Vicente Ruiz Sagun # 65, Centro, Villa Corona


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B2B Conference Signup

51 - B2B Conference Signup

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Location of the Business
Type of Business
Off Road Map

34 - Off Road Map

The Automobile options includes SUV, Pickup and Van but custom vans will fall into the RV option.
Free Zone Map

33 - Free Zone Map

Baja Surf Map

32 - Baja Surf Map

Automobile (Sedan, Pickup, SUV, even if towing an RV you select Automobile). RV should be selected for custom-vans.
Yucatan RV Guide

31 - Yucatan RV Guide

How will you get to Yucatan?
Campeche RV Guide

31 - Campeche RV Guide

How will you get to Campeche RV Guide?
Yucatan RV Guide

30 - Yucatan RV Guide

How will you get to Yucatan RV Guide?
Sonora RV Guide

29 - Sonora RV Guide

How will you get to Sonora RV Guide?
Sinaloa RV Guide

28 - Sinaloa RV Guide

How will you get to Sinaloa RV Guide?
Nayarit RV Parks

27 - Nayarit RV Parks

How will you get to Nayarit RV Parks?
Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

26 - Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

How will you get to Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide?
Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

25 - Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

How will you get to Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide?
Jalisco RV Parks

24 - Jalisco RV Parks

How will you get to Jalisco RV Parks?
Baja California RV Guide

23 - Baja California RV Guide

How will you get to Baja California RV Guide?

20 - Tijuana

Valle de Guadalupe

21 - Valle de Guadalupe

For Sedans, SUV, and Pickup Truck (with or without towed units attached) select Automobile. For Conversion Vans select "RV".
RV Guide Baja California Sur

22 - RV Guide Baja California Sur

How will you get to RV Guide Baja California Sur?

19 - Tecate

Use RV for conversion vans. For pickups, SUV's and sedans use "automobile".

18 - Tamaulipas

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan or Crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV".

17 - Sonora

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan and Crossovers or Minivans, select "Automobile". For Van Conversions, select "RV"
San Felipe

16 - San Felipe

For Pickup Truck, SUV, Sedan or Minivan and crossover, select Automobile. For Van Conversions select RV.
San Carlos/Guaymas

15 - San Carlos/Guaymas

For pickup truck, sedan, cross-over or mini-van with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". Conversion vans should select "RV".

14 - Rosarito

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Minivan and Crossovers select "Automobile". For Van Conversions use "RV".
Puerto Peñasco

13 - Puerto Peñasco

For SUV, Crossover, Pickup Truck or Sedan with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". For a van conversion, select "RV".
Puerto Nuevo

12 - Puerto Nuevo

For Pickup Truck, SUV or Cross-over/Minivan select "Automobile" but for Van Conversions select "RV".

11 - Monterrey

For pickup truck, SUV/Crossover, sedan with or without towing select "Automobile". If you operate a conversion van in Mexico, select "RV".
Mexico City

10 - Mexico City


9 - Mexicali

For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or minivan select "Automobile" but for Self Propelled RV's or Conversion Vans - select RV. Dune Buggies shoud be "Motorcycle"

8 - Juarez

For pickup truck, SUV or Crossover, select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV."

7 - Jalisco

How will you get to Jalisco?

6 - Hermosillo

For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversions, select "RV".

5 - Ensenada

For sedan, pickup, suv with or without towed units select "automobile" but for a van conversion select "RV".

4 - Chihuahua

Use Automobile for Pickup Truck and Towing Vehicles; Use RV for Custom Camper Vans and Self-Propelled RV's.
Baja California Sur

3 - Baja California Sur

For Sedan, SUV/Crossover, Pickup Truck select Automobile, for a conversion van select RV.

1 - Ajijic

"*" indicates required fields

For sedan, pickup truck, SUV or Crossover select "Automobile". For Conversion van select "RV"
Baja California Map

2 - Baja California Map

Use "Automobile" for Pickup truck, sedan, wagon, or SUV. Use "RV" for self-propelled RV units including custom vans.