Mexico Car Jacking
City in Mexico
Carjacking in Mexico is not common. Let me start with that. Car theft in general is not as prevalent in Mexico as it is in the United States for example. However, what’s alarming and striking and important for tourists to understand that if you are a victim of a car theft it wont be as simple as it is in the United States because you will probably – statistically, be traumatized by it. More than 60% of car theft in Mexico is performed under the threat of violence, or as we call it in the United States “Carjack”. As it is called in Mexico, “Robo con violencia.”

Every year, the Mexico Insurance brokerage Mexico Insurance Services publishes their report on car theft in Mexico. It’s an exciting read because it shows where car thefts are likely to occur, what type of vehicles are targeted by thieves, and, most importantly, how they are being stolen. As someone who barters in the tourist trade with Mexico, I believe it’s essential to understand the cultural differences between car thieves in Mexico. Car thieves in Mexico, by the majority, are stealing cars at gunpoint. They do not necessarily murder the victim; they simply want to take the vehicle, and they expect that if confronted with a gun, they can take your car. More than 60% of vehicle thefts in Mexico occur due to carjacking, or as it’s called in Mexico, “Robo Con Violencia”.
Please be aware of this stark difference. Our cultural combination of defending ourselves and fighting back, especially here in Texas, collides with this. Now, most likely, an American Plated vehicle is not going to be the preferred target, and the theft reports back that conclusion to be true. But if you are targeted by a carjacker, your best solution is simply to walk away. This is another reason to always have insurance in Mexico – just grab your policy and walk away. According to the Mexico Insurance Services post it’s only a $1,000 deductible flat deductible in Mexico for car thefts with all the companies they have on their website platform. Here is their full article on carjacking in Mexico.