Should You Live in Mexico?

City in Mexico

Living in Mexico is not for Everyone

Just because you liked Cancun doesn’t mean it is the right place for you. You might like Huatulco even more. You might experience a psychic change in Oaxaca city. You may find you don’t want to live around a bunch of other gringos. I don’t know. And you don’t either. Go, explore, drive around. See what feels right. Sure, someone is offering you the greatest deal in the world on a condo. You know what? Deals come and go. Be happy, not practical.

Living in Mexico

Get The Facts About Relocation Take Your Time

We are, by nature, self-deceiving. Although you might have all the character traits of my father (he was an Ugly American), you probably won’t admit it (though your wife or partner will). Some of you won’t know how you and Mexico will fit together until you actually go and try living there. Mexico affects people differently. During the past few decades, I have consulted with thousands of people seeking advice about traveling, living, retiring and working in Mexico. Most do well in their move. Those who attach too many preconditions do poorly.


I remember one fellow from Boston who had an expensive motor home and was the most uptight man I ever met. He had his wife, children, and grandmother with him. He was so filled with apprehension and worry about his expensive motorhome that I told him he should just on a driving trip to Mexico, much less consider living in Mexico. .

He was taken aback. “I thought your job was to encourage people to drive to Mexico and consider retiring or living in Mexico.”

“No,” I replied, “My job is to help people to have a good time and find a better way of life, and you are so worried about your motorhome that you will not have a good time. Do us both a favor and stay home.”

He thought about it and said, “What if I leave the motorhome here and just take the car?”

He did, and his two-week driving trip became a month-long journey of self-discovery. I saw him when he returned and he was completely relaxed and smiling. In fact, he and his family stayed an extra two weeks, and Grandma came back several years younger in spirit. Grandma danced in the square in Veracruz.

I have a place to stay if I ever get to Boston. That experience taught me that I should never judge whether someone will fit into Mexico, but I can make general assumptions about what might not work. Follow your heart, but take some of my suggestions to the same place.


You have a spirit of adventure

Even if you are going to live in Mexico City and work for a company, life will be an adventure. You can either have fun with it or be frustrated by it. The choice is always yours.

You can accept that most things are out of your control

If you think everything has to be in its place and there must be a logical explanation for everything, then you are going to spend a lot of time being unhappy. Learn to “go with the flow.” There’s a wonderful little prayer that says, in part, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” You may find yourself repeating this often in Mexico.

You truly like people and can accept their differences

Remember that you are never alone in Mexico. Even if—especially if—you live in a small town where there are no other gringos, you will meet many locals. They are a gregarious bunch with large families and a healthy curiosity about the bizarre ways of foreigners. Remember that many of the things we take for granted about ourselves are pretty darn amazing to outsiders. Old people and small kids will ask you questions as you travel about. Middle-class businessmen will go out of their way to help you when you need it. Strangers of all classes will show you things and help you find whatever it is you are looking for, be it a road out of town or a battery for your car alarm.

You have a sense of humor

This is probably the most important ingredient in enjoying life in Mexico. If you do not take yourself too seriously, you will do much better than if you do. If you are a very serious or sad person and you have been sent to Mexico by your company, take heart, your whole personality could change for the better. These are the main personality traits that will make your life in Mexico a easier. I’m not a psychologist, and there is absolutely nothing scientific about my list. It is based on my experience and what I have gathered from the thousands of people I have talked to and observed during my twenty or so years of writing about Mexico and talking to people who live in Mexico or think they want to live in Mexico. It is only to give you an honest assessment of some of the differences of living in Mexico versus living in the United States or Canada.

Holbox Island Mexico Beach
Driving in Mexico

Trip Planning for Mexico

Let us do the hard work for you – experts with 200 years of experience combined planning trips in Mexico can help you with everything you need for a stress-free vacation in Mexico.

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Driving in Mexico

Tesla Super Chargers

Tesla SuperChargers in M E X I C O TESLA Superchargers in Mexico: Border Cities BAJA CALIFORNIA Cuatro Cuatros, Ensenada, BC Gran Via Mexicali, BC. Hotel Pueblo Amigo, Tijuana, BC Hyatt Place, Tijuana, BC Marina, San Felipe, BC Santuario Diegueño,

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B2B Conference Signup

51 - B2B Conference Signup

Form signup from a conference to retrieve business details of people in Mexico who have business that would like to be affiliated with our website for marketing and advertising purposes.

Location of the Business
Type of Business
Off Road Map

34 - Off Road Map

The Automobile options includes SUV, Pickup and Van but custom vans will fall into the RV option.
Free Zone Map

33 - Free Zone Map

Baja Surf Map

32 - Baja Surf Map

Automobile (Sedan, Pickup, SUV, even if towing an RV you select Automobile). RV should be selected for custom-vans.
Yucatan RV Guide

31 - Yucatan RV Guide

How will you get to Yucatan?
Campeche RV Guide

31 - Campeche RV Guide

How will you get to Campeche RV Guide?
Yucatan RV Guide

30 - Yucatan RV Guide

How will you get to Yucatan RV Guide?
Sonora RV Guide

29 - Sonora RV Guide

How will you get to Sonora RV Guide?
Sinaloa RV Guide

28 - Sinaloa RV Guide

How will you get to Sinaloa RV Guide?
Nayarit RV Parks

27 - Nayarit RV Parks

How will you get to Nayarit RV Parks?
Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

26 - Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

How will you get to Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide?
Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

25 - Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

How will you get to Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide?
Jalisco RV Parks

24 - Jalisco RV Parks

How will you get to Jalisco RV Parks?
Baja California RV Guide

23 - Baja California RV Guide

How will you get to Baja California RV Guide?

20 - Tijuana

Valle de Guadalupe

21 - Valle de Guadalupe

For Sedans, SUV, and Pickup Truck (with or without towed units attached) select Automobile. For Conversion Vans select "RV".
RV Guide Baja California Sur

22 - RV Guide Baja California Sur

How will you get to RV Guide Baja California Sur?

19 - Tecate

Use RV for conversion vans. For pickups, SUV's and sedans use "automobile".

18 - Tamaulipas

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan or Crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV".

17 - Sonora

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan and Crossovers or Minivans, select "Automobile". For Van Conversions, select "RV"
San Felipe

16 - San Felipe

For Pickup Truck, SUV, Sedan or Minivan and crossover, select Automobile. For Van Conversions select RV.
San Carlos/Guaymas

15 - San Carlos/Guaymas

For pickup truck, sedan, cross-over or mini-van with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". Conversion vans should select "RV".

14 - Rosarito

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Minivan and Crossovers select "Automobile". For Van Conversions use "RV".
Puerto Peñasco

13 - Puerto Peñasco

For SUV, Crossover, Pickup Truck or Sedan with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". For a van conversion, select "RV".
Puerto Nuevo

12 - Puerto Nuevo

For Pickup Truck, SUV or Cross-over/Minivan select "Automobile" but for Van Conversions select "RV".

11 - Monterrey

For pickup truck, SUV/Crossover, sedan with or without towing select "Automobile". If you operate a conversion van in Mexico, select "RV".
Mexico City

10 - Mexico City


9 - Mexicali

For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or minivan select "Automobile" but for Self Propelled RV's or Conversion Vans - select RV. Dune Buggies shoud be "Motorcycle"

8 - Juarez

For pickup truck, SUV or Crossover, select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV."

7 - Jalisco

How will you get to Jalisco?

6 - Hermosillo

For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversions, select "RV".

5 - Ensenada

For sedan, pickup, suv with or without towed units select "automobile" but for a van conversion select "RV".

4 - Chihuahua

Use Automobile for Pickup Truck and Towing Vehicles; Use RV for Custom Camper Vans and Self-Propelled RV's.
Baja California Sur

3 - Baja California Sur

For Sedan, SUV/Crossover, Pickup Truck select Automobile, for a conversion van select RV.

1 - Ajijic

"*" indicates required fields

For sedan, pickup truck, SUV or Crossover select "Automobile". For Conversion van select "RV"
Baja California Map

2 - Baja California Map

Use "Automobile" for Pickup truck, sedan, wagon, or SUV. Use "RV" for self-propelled RV units including custom vans.