Is It Safe to Travel in Mexico?

City in Mexico

The U.S. Department of State updated the Travel Advisory for Mexico on September 8, 2020. Reconsider travel to Mexico due to COVID-19. Exercise increased caution in Mexico due to crime and kidnapping. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Mexico has lifted stay-at-home orders in some areas and resumed some transportation and business operations.

Mexico Sign

Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel.  Check the CDC website for additional information and Frequently Asked Questions.  This requirement does not apply to travelers entering the United States by land or sea or to children under two years of age.  It applies to U.S. citizens, as well as foreign nationals, regardless of vaccination status.

Country-Specific Information:

COVID-19 Testing

  • Are PCR and/or antigen tests available for U.S. citizens in Mexico? [Yes]
  • If so, are test results reliably available within 72 hours? [Yes]
  • CDC requirement for Negative COVID-19 test prior to air travel:
    • A negative viral COVID test or documentation of recovery is required for anyone traveling by air to the United States, including U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents age two and over, and regardless of vaccination status.
    • This order applies to all flights, including private flights and general aviation aircraft (charter flights). A negative COVID test is not currently required for travel by land border.
    • Air passengers are required to take a viral test (PCR/NAAT or antigen test for current infection) no more than three calendar days prior to their flight departure to the United States. Antibody tests are not compliant with the requirement.
    • If you are arriving to the United States via one or more connecting flights, your test must be done in the three days before the first flight in your itinerary, but only if the connecting flights were booked as a single passenger record with a final destination in the United States and each connection (layover) is no longer than 24 hours long.  If your connecting flight to the United States was booked separately or a connection in your itinerary lasts longer than 24 hours, you will need to get tested within the three days before your flight that arrives in the United States.
    • CDC requires that air passengers arriving in the United States have a paper or electronic copy of their test result for review by the airline before boarding and possible review by public health officials after arrival in the United States. Passengers must provide written documentation of their laboratory test result (paper or electronic copy) to the airline prior to boarding.
    • Airline personnel must verify that every passenger over age two onboard has attested to receiving a negative test result or to having recovered from COVID-19 and being cleared to travel by a licensed health professional or a public health official. In addition to presenting a negative test result or documentation of recovery (in English or Spanish), it is recommended that each passenger print and present their attestation to the airline. A parent or other authorized individual should attest on behalf of a passenger aged two to 17 years that they have received a negative test.  For more guidance, please consult with your airline.  To see the passenger attestation, visit: ATTACHMENT A: PASSENGER DISCLOSURE AND ATTESTATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Print-only) (
    • If an air traveler has had a positive viral test in the past three months, and have met the criteria to end isolation, he or she may travel instead with documentation of positive viral test results and a letter from a licensed healthcare provider or a public health official that states the passenger has been cleared for travel. The positive test result and letter together are referred to as “documentation of recovery.”
    • Airlines are responsible for enforcing the requirement for passengers on U.S.-bound flights. Airlines will deny boarding to anyone without a negative test or documentation of recovering from COVID-19.
    • If you test positive, you must self-isolate and delay your travel. Do not travel until you have recovered completely from COVID-19.
    • If your flight is delayed before departure, you will need to be re-tested if the delay causes your test to fall outside of the three-day pre-departure testing period.
    • Please ensure that the test provider you choose will provide test results that comply with CDC guidelines (for U.S.-bound travelers) and those of your airline.
    • For U.S.-bound travelers, each state has its own testing and entry requirements. Verify what is necessary to enter the state to which you are traveling. The CDC offers testing and quarantine information on all states:
  • Testing availability in Mexico:
    • The Secretariat of Health (Salud) maintains a list of approved laboratories (Spanish only) for viral COVID-19 testing.  Many local hospitals, clinics, and laboratories offer private testing for travel purposes.
    • The cost of PCR tests typically range from approximately 950 MXN to 4500 MXN, and the cost of viral antigen tests typically range from 200 MXN to 1000 MXN, depending on location and speed of results.  Travelers are responsible for the costs of their own tests and any associated medical care.  The Embassy and Consulates are unable to administer or pay for tests.
    • U.S. Mission Mexico has prepared a list of private testing providers.  Note: This list is not comprehensive and the information within is subject to change at any time.  The Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the entities or individuals whose names appear on this list.  Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department or the U.S. government.  Providers are listed by location, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the list is provided directly by local service providers; the Department of State is unable to vouch for this information.
    • Some airlines and international airports in Mexico offer to test on-site as a last resort for travelers – please confirm directly with your carrier for more information on the availability of this service.  Even if such an option is available, it is recommended to obtain your test results before arriving at the airport.  At some of the indicated airports, testing on-site is only available to international passengers utilizing specific carriers, and not to all U.S.-bound travelers.  If you must test on-site at an airport where it is offered, you should arrive at least three hours earlier (or follow carrier recommendations) to allow time for results.  Please note testing at the airport may result in missing your flight or onward connections due to delays or if you receive a positive test result.  As of February 4, international airports in the following locations confirmed the availability of on-site testing for some passengers: Acapulco, Aguascalientes, Cancun, Culiacan, Durango, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Hermosillo, La Paz, Los Cabos, Los Mochis, Manzanillo, Mazatlan, Merida, Mexicali, Mexico City, Morelia, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puerto Vallarta, San Luis Potosi, Tampico, Tijuana, Torreon, Zacatecas, Zihuatanejo.  Confirm testing availability directly with the airport or air carrier.
    • Travelers visiting Mexico should contact their tour provider or hotel for more information on local testing options.
    • You will have to pay for your test.  You should contact your medical/travel insurance to find out if they will reimburse you.
  • Waivers to the testing requirement may be granted by the CDC on an extremely limited basis when extraordinary emergency travel (like an emergency medical evacuation) must occur to preserve someone’s health and safety, and testing cannot be completed before travel.  There are no waivers available for individuals who test positive for COVID-19.  Individuals – or air carriers seeking to allow boarding by potentially qualifying individuals – who believe they meet the criteria for a waiver should contact the U.S. Embassy by email at [email protected]. Provide the information below and the U.S. Embassy will submit the request to the CDC for consideration.
    • The following information must be provided for each passenger:
      • Name (family name/surname, given name), passport number and country
      • Cell phone number including country code of passenger or head of household if family unit
      • Email address of passenger or head of household if family unit
      • U.S. destination address
      • Is U.S. destination home address?
      • Departure date
      • Flight itinerary
      • Name of submitting entity if different from passenger
      • Name of company submitting on behalf of passenger(s) (if applicable)
      • Name of point of contact submitting on behalf of passenger(s) (if applicable)
      • Phone and email address for POC submitting waiver request on behalf of passenger(s) (if applicable)
      • Purpose of travel to the U.S. (provide brief explanation of why urgent travel is needed and how travel will contribute to health and safety of passengers(s))
      • Justification for testing waiver (e.g. no testing available, impact on health and safety)
      • Documentation to support justification for test waiver, if available (e.g. medical records or orders for medical evacuation)
  • The symptoms of COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, headaches, throat pain, or constant sneezing) are very similar to other respiratory diseases.  If you have mild symptoms, call your usual health care provider or the Mexican government’s hotline at 800 0044 800 or 55 5658 1111 in order to receive advice to determine whether to stay home or seek medical attention.  If you or someone in your family has difficulty breathing, please go to the emergency room or call 911 immediately.
  • Individuals who were in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and present symptoms of respiratory illness should follow the instructions above.  It is advisable to remain in quarantine for 14 days to prevent spreading the disease to other people.
  • If you are experiencing fear, anxiety, or emotional isolation, please call the Mexican government’s hotline at 800 911 2000 (Spanish only) for advice and support.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information:

  • Has the government of Mexico approved a COVID-19 vaccine for use? [Yes]
    • Mexico has approved emergency use of the AstraZeneca, CanSino, Pfizer, SinoVac, and Sputnik V vaccines. The Mexican government has prioritized front-line health care workers. Once more vaccine doses become available, Mexico’s objective is to vaccinate at least 75 percent of the population 16 years and older.
    • The Mexican government’s vaccine signup portal requires registrants provide their Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP). A CURP is a unique identity code that
    • Mexican citizens and permanent and temporary residents are issued. If you don’t know your CURP, search for it on RENAPO’s web page.
    • The vaccine will not be mandatory.
    • The vaccine will be offered on a universal basis for free. Mexico will prioritize recipients by at-risk groups and age. o Subject to vaccine availability, Mexico’s vaccination campaign (Spanish only) includes five phases:
      • Phase 1: January-February 2021 – health care workers;
      • Phase 2: February-April 2021 – people 60 years old and older;
      • Phase 3: April-May 2021 – people 50 to 59;
      • Phase 4: May-June 2021 – people 40 to 49;
      • Phase 5: June 2021-March 2022 – remaining age groups.
    • People under 16 and pregnant women will not be vaccinated because clinical trials were not conducted with participants from these groups. However, these recommendations are subject to change as more data becomes available.
    • Those who have had COVID-19 and no longer have an active infection will be eligible to receive the vaccine.
    • People are not required to present proof of vaccination to attend school, travel, or engage in routine, daily activities. However, these rules are subject to change.
  • The United States government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas. Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination.
  • You may also consider returning to the United States to receive your vaccine. For more information on how to register for the COVID-19 vaccine in your home state, visit your U.S. state’s Health Department website.
  • Information from the CDC regarding COVID-19 vaccination.

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? [Yes]
  • The United States and Mexico entered a joint initiative March 21 restricting non-essential travel along the U.S.-Mexico land border to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  Non-essential travel includes travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature.  The restrictions are in place until at least February 21.  Please see the Embassy’s fact sheet for more information.
  • Travelers entering Mexico by land from the United States may be denied admission if the purpose of their visit is considered non-essential.  Travelers should carry evidence of the essential nature of their visit and evidence of their resident status in Mexico, if applicable.
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? [No]
    • A negative COVID-19 test is not required for entry to Mexico.
    • Effective January 26, 2021, a negative COVID-19 test, taken within the 3 calendar days prior to flight departure, or documentation of recovery from a COVID-19 infection within the last 90 days, is required for air passengers entering the United States. Please find more details  below in the “COVID-19 Testing” portion of the page.
  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? [Yes]
  • Passengers and aircrew members arriving at Mexican airports may be subject to health screenings including temperature checks.  Those exhibiting symptoms may be subject to additional health screening and/or quarantine.
  • Travelers entering Mexico via land may be subject to health screen including temperature checks.  Travelers may experience significant delays and face the possibility of being returned to the United States or quarantined in Mexico.
  • Mexican Immigration (INM) continues to provide law enforcement and public counter services across Mexico.  However, due to reduced staffing, members of the public might experience long wait times for routine services.  INM recommends monitoring its website and Twitter account for information about its current operating status.
  • Per the CDC order signed January 12, 2021, a negative COVID-19 test, taken within the 3 calendar days prior to flight departure, or documentation of recovery from a COVID-19 infection within the last 90 days, is required for air passengers entering the United States on or after January 26, 2021. Please find more details on our website and refer to the CDC’s Frequently Asked Questions.  This requirement does not apply to travelers entering the United States by land or sea or to children under 2 years of age.  It applies to U.S. citizens as well as foreign nationals, regardless of vaccination status.  More information on COVID-19 testing in Mexico may be found below in the “COVID-19 Testing” portion of the page.

Movement Restrictions:

  • Is a curfew in place? [Yes]
    • Curfews are not universal.  Restrictions vary based on state and/or city.  Please see the “Local Resources” section for curfew-specific information below.
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? [Yes]
    • Restrictions apply to some areas.  Please see additional information on these restrictions in the “Local Resources” section below.

Quarantine Information:

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? [No]
  • The Mexican government encourages people to continue respecting social distancing measures, washing their hands, and coughing or sneezing in the inner part of the elbow to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  A variety of prevention measures can be found at
  • For U.S. citizens who have participated in higher risk activities or think that they may have been exposed before or during a trip, the CDC encourages people to take the following extra precautions to protect others for 14 days after arrival at their destination:
  • Stay home as much as possible.
  • Avoid staying around people at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Consider getting tested for COVID-19.
  • In the United States, quarantine requirements and recommendations may vary by state.  Therefore, travelers should review an individual state’s entry requirements before traveling.
  • The CDC currently recommends international travelers get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home (or in a comparable location such as a hotel room) for self-quarantine for seven days post-travel.

Transportation Options:

  • Are commercial flights operating? [Yes]
  • Is public transportation operating? [Yes]
    • Some states and municipalities have implemented additional transportation restrictions.   Please see additional information on state specific restrictions in the “Local Resources” section below.

Fines for Non-Compliance:

  • Consequences for non-compliance are not universal.  Restrictions vary based on state and/or city.  Please see the “Local Resources” section for specific information on fines, penalties, or other consequences below.

Nationwide Restrictions and Resources:

  • On June 1, the Mexican government began easing nationwide restrictions and started phasing in non-essential economic activities in some states and municipalities using a national “stoplight” system.  The four metrics to determine the colors in the Mexican government’s stoplight system are the trend in numbers of new cases; hospital occupancy trends; current hospital occupancy rates; and percentage of positive cases.  If one indicator is red, the whole state will be designated red.  Most schools in Mexico are closed.
  • Two states are designated “red” under the federal stoplight system between February 15 and February 28 (Guanajuato and Guerrero). Under red, only essential activities are allowed. Essential activities include: the provision of medical services and supplies, grocery delivery services, operation of grocery stores, restaurant delivery and carryout services, assurance of public safety, maintenance of fundamental economic functions and government social programs, work in critical infrastructure, construction, and manufacturing of transportation equipment. Hotels are limited to 25 percent occupancy for guests working on critical activities. Parks are also limited to 25 percent occupancy.
  • Twenty one states are designated “orange” under the federal system between February 15 and February 28 (Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Coahuila, Colima, Jalisco, Hidalgo, Mexico City, Mexico state, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Tlaxcala, Yucatán, Veracruz, and Zacatecas). Under orange, hotels, restaurants, barber shops, open-air parks, and gyms are limited to 50 percent capacity. Markets and supermarkets will operate at 75 percent capacity. Additionally, shopping malls, churches, cinemas, theaters, museums, and cultural events will be limited to 25 percent capacity.
  • Eight states are designated “yellow” under the federal stoplight system between February 15 and February 28 (Baja California, Campeche, Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, and Tamaulipas). Under yellow, all work activities are permitted. Public space may open on a regular basis, while enclosed public spaces can open with reduced capacity. All activities should be carried out with basic prevention measures. People at higher risk of developing COVID-19 symptoms should continue to take extra precautions.
  • One state is designated “green” under the federal stoplight system between February 15 and February 28 (Chiapas). Under green, all economic and social activities, including school, are permitted while taking appropriate precautions.
  • Individuals should practice good hygiene such as frequent hand washing and social distancing.  Those not involved in essential activities should self-isolate at home.  People over age 60 or with high risk medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, compromised immune system, pregnant, or post-partum should self-isolate at home.
  • Hotel guests in some areas may be subject to occupancy limits or asked to provide an employer letter certifying the essential nature of their business.  Hotel guests showing respiratory symptoms will be referred to health authorities.  As a reminder, the U.S. government does not pay for lodging or other expenses incurred due to travel disruptions abroad.
  • Some states and municipalities have implemented additional restrictions on public gatherings, transportation, business operations, and government operations if health conditions warrant and/or developed separate stoplight systems from those at the federal level.  Several states and municipalities have imposed curfews and movement restrictions on non-essential activities and have required citizens to wear masks when outside the home.  In some areas, officials may issue fines and/or arrest and detain individuals found to be in violation of stay at home orders.  Please see additional information on these restrictions and links to state COVID-19 websites in the “Local Resources” section below.  This information is not comprehensive and is subject to change without notice.  Please confirm directly with government and other trusted sources for more information on closures and restrictions in different Mexican states and municipalities.

Consular Operations:

  • Some Mission Mexico locations resumed limited appointments for some routine visa, passport, citizenship, and notarial services on October 20.  Please see below for more details.  Appointment availability is very limited due to physical distancing requirements in our offices and public waiting rooms.  Each applicant requires their own appointment.  The number of daily appointments at each location will fluctuate based on current health conditions and local government restrictions.  All visitors to the embassy and consulates age two and older must wear a mask.
  • U.S. citizens in need of 24/7 emergency assistance should call (55) 8526 2561 from Mexico or 1 (844) 528-6611 from the United States.  For information on other services, see below.
  • American Citizens Services (ACS)/Passport Services:  U.S. Consulates General Guadalajara, Hermosillo, Matamoros, Merida, Monterrey, and Nuevo Laredo, as well as Consular Agencies Cancun, Piedras Negras, and Playa del Carmen, have available limited appointments for some routine passport, citizenship, and notarial services.  Passport, citizenship, and notary appointment availability will be strictly limited due to physical distancing requirements in our offices and public waiting rooms.
    • At this time, U.S. Embassy Mexico City, U.S. Consulates General Ciudad Juarez, Nogales, and Tijuana, and Consular Agencies AcapulcoLos Cabos, Mazatlán OaxacaPuerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende are only able to provide emergency services.  Non-emergency American Citizen services in Mexico City are suspended through February Please contact these locations by email for more information on the availability of emergency passport or notarial services at these consulates and consular agencies.
    • Appointments for passport and citizenship applications that require a personal interview (applicants under age 16, first-time adult passports, replacement for a lost or stolen passport, and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad) and for notarial services are available on our website.  Due to the limited number of appointments available, there may be no openings visible on the website.  If no appointments are available when you first check the online calendar, please keep checking the calendar for newly released appointments and daily cancelations.  All appointments and openings are subject to change and cancellation based on local health conditions.
    • If you cannot find an open appointment and have urgent travel plans (within the next month) or another emergency need for a passport, please contact the location nearest you by email to request an emergency appointment.
    • As a reminder, U.S. citizen children do not require a CRBA to qualify for an emergency passport.
  • Federal Benefits:  The Federal Benefits Units in Mexico will continue to provide services that can be accomplished without face-to-face interviews.  For individuals residing in Mexico, please contact [email protected][email protected], or [email protected] for any questions or concerns regarding Social Security numbers, Social Security benefits, or other federal benefits.
  • Visa Services:   The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City and U.S. Consulates in Nogales and Tijuana are providing emergency visa services only.  U.S. Consulates in Guadalajara, Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Hermosillo, Merida, and Ciudad Juarez have resumed limited processing of routine student and work visa appointments, including TN visas, as local conditions allow. Routine tourist visa appointments remain suspended at this time across Mexico, and only cases that meet the requirements for emergency processing or are eligible for renewal with an interview waiver are being scheduled.
    • Applicants seeking to renew their visas who meet the qualifications for an interview waiver in any visa category are being processed. Applicants should expect a longer-than-normal wait time for this service and plan accordingly. Applicants may schedule a renewal appointment at Eligibility requirements for visa renewal can be found at Because of limited capacity and safety precautions due to COVID-19, applicants should expect to experience delays in appointment availability. If applicants have an urgent need for travel, they may request an emergency appointment by following the guidance found at
    • Routine appointments for applicants not ordinarily residing in Mexico are not available at this time.  Any applicant currently residing in the United States who seeks to extend their legal stay should contact U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at this link (   Visa units in Mexico are not able to grant expedited appointments for applicants who are currently in the United States except in very limited circumstances.  If you believe your case qualifies for an expedited appointment as a national interest case, please contact us at [email protected].
    • For Immigrant Visa applicants, the U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez has resumed very limited routine immigrant visa processing, beginning with spouses, children, and fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens whose appointments were cancelled in March and April 2020.  Immigrant visa appointments for adoptions and for cases meeting certain emergency criteria also remain available.  For more information and instructions on requesting an emergency appointment, please visit
    • For case-specific inquiries for nonimmigrant visas, the applicant or applicant’s legal guardian may contact us here: For immigrant visa cases, please contact us at and use the inquiry form to request an emergency appointment. Immigrant visa emergency appointment requests will be considered only when the applicant will age out of his or her ability to qualify for derivative status, or in case of emergencies.
    • In order to protect the health and safety of our personnel and the public, we follow strict social distancing practices in our facilities. All applicants must wear face masks in our applicant service centers and in our visa unit waiting rooms. Any applicant with symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, or fever must reschedule their interview by contacting us at [email protected].
    • For any other questions, please email: [email protected].

Local Resources:

  • Call the Mexican Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 hotline at 800 0044 800 for information or medical attention. English language operators are sometimes, but not always, available.
  • Local telephone numbers for COVID-19 assistance in each state are available here:
  • U.S. citizens in Mexico with questions about Mexican immigration policies should contact local immigration authorities for information.
  • Refer to the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19MX app that provides Spanish-language information about COVID-19 and local health care resources. It includes contact information for health care providers, an interactive diagnostic tool that analyzes reported symptoms and advises whether or not to seek medical care, the location of the nearest health care facility, the latest news related to COVID-19, and advice on how to prevent the spread of the disease. The app is available via the Mexican iOS and Android stores.
  • Information about state and municipal level responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and links to the official state COVID-19 websites are below. Please note that the situation is rapidly changing and that the information provided here about local and state restrictions is subject to change without notice and may not be comprehensive.

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VM Trip Planning Baja California Sur
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VM Trip Planning Mexicali
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Plan Your Visit to Ensenada
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VM Trip Planning Baja California
B2B Conference Signup

51 - B2B Conference Signup

Form signup from a conference to retrieve business details of people in Mexico who have business that would like to be affiliated with our website for marketing and advertising purposes.

Location of the Business
Type of Business
Off Road Map

34 - Off Road Map

The Automobile options includes SUV, Pickup and Van but custom vans will fall into the RV option.
Free Zone Map

33 - Free Zone Map

Baja Surf Map

32 - Baja Surf Map

Automobile (Sedan, Pickup, SUV, even if towing an RV you select Automobile). RV should be selected for custom-vans.
Yucatan RV Guide

31 - Yucatan RV Guide

How will you get to Yucatan?
Campeche RV Guide

31 - Campeche RV Guide

How will you get to Campeche RV Guide?
Yucatan RV Guide

30 - Yucatan RV Guide

How will you get to Yucatan RV Guide?
Sonora RV Guide

29 - Sonora RV Guide

How will you get to Sonora RV Guide?
Sinaloa RV Guide

28 - Sinaloa RV Guide

How will you get to Sinaloa RV Guide?
Nayarit RV Parks

27 - Nayarit RV Parks

How will you get to Nayarit RV Parks?
Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

26 - Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

How will you get to Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide?
Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

25 - Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

How will you get to Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide?
Jalisco RV Parks

24 - Jalisco RV Parks

How will you get to Jalisco RV Parks?
Baja California RV Guide

23 - Baja California RV Guide

How will you get to Baja California RV Guide?

20 - Tijuana

Valle de Guadalupe

21 - Valle de Guadalupe

For Sedans, SUV, and Pickup Truck (with or without towed units attached) select Automobile. For Conversion Vans select "RV".
RV Guide Baja California Sur

22 - RV Guide Baja California Sur

How will you get to RV Guide Baja California Sur?

19 - Tecate

Use RV for conversion vans. For pickups, SUV's and sedans use "automobile".

18 - Tamaulipas

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan or Crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV".

17 - Sonora

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan and Crossovers or Minivans, select "Automobile". For Van Conversions, select "RV"
San Felipe

16 - San Felipe

For Pickup Truck, SUV, Sedan or Minivan and crossover, select Automobile. For Van Conversions select RV.
San Carlos/Guaymas

15 - San Carlos/Guaymas

For pickup truck, sedan, cross-over or mini-van with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". Conversion vans should select "RV".

14 - Rosarito

For SUV, Pickup Truck, Minivan and Crossovers select "Automobile". For Van Conversions use "RV".
Puerto Peñasco

13 - Puerto Peñasco

For SUV, Crossover, Pickup Truck or Sedan with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". For a van conversion, select "RV".
Puerto Nuevo

12 - Puerto Nuevo

For Pickup Truck, SUV or Cross-over/Minivan select "Automobile" but for Van Conversions select "RV".

11 - Monterrey

For pickup truck, SUV/Crossover, sedan with or without towing select "Automobile". If you operate a conversion van in Mexico, select "RV".
Mexico City

10 - Mexico City


9 - Mexicali

For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or minivan select "Automobile" but for Self Propelled RV's or Conversion Vans - select RV. Dune Buggies shoud be "Motorcycle"

8 - Juarez

For pickup truck, SUV or Crossover, select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV."

7 - Jalisco

How will you get to Jalisco?

6 - Hermosillo

For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversions, select "RV".

5 - Ensenada

For sedan, pickup, suv with or without towed units select "automobile" but for a van conversion select "RV".

4 - Chihuahua

Use Automobile for Pickup Truck and Towing Vehicles; Use RV for Custom Camper Vans and Self-Propelled RV's.
Baja California Sur

3 - Baja California Sur

For Sedan, SUV/Crossover, Pickup Truck select Automobile, for a conversion van select RV.

1 - Ajijic

"*" indicates required fields

For sedan, pickup truck, SUV or Crossover select "Automobile". For Conversion van select "RV"
Baja California Map

2 - Baja California Map

Use "Automobile" for Pickup truck, sedan, wagon, or SUV. Use "RV" for self-propelled RV units including custom vans.