Visiting Tabasco

City in Sonora, Mexico
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    Tabasco, a state in southeastern Mexico, is known for its rich culture, diverse landscapes, and distinctive cuisine. Whether you’re exploring the lush landscapes, tasting the local dishes, or immersing yourself in the vibrant culture, Tabasco offers a rich and varied experience.

      Tabasco also borders the states of CampecheChiapas, and Veracruz as well as the Central American nation of Guatemala.  Although the state’s name is associated with the U.S.-produced Tabasco Sauce made by the McIlhenny Company, the state of Tabasco is actually more famous as the reputed origin of the cocoa bean—the main ingredient of chocolate.


    Tabasco is Mexico’s thirteenth state; it was admitted in 1824.  Nearly ten thousand square meters in area, Tabasco is renowned for its plentiful rainfall, unlike much of Mexico which is characterized by a dry climate.  In fact, flooding is often a problem in this region due to recent excessive rains.  The state’s population is 2,276,308.  Most of the population is scattered throughout the state’s thirty-six urban communities, but there are also 3,000 smaller towns and villages that make their home in Tabasco.


    Such heavy rainfall has benefited the state’s tropical landscape.  Tabasco is noted for its lush rainforests as well as its many lakes, rivers, and wetlands.  The state boasts more than 120 miles of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico.  While tropical forests are the main feature of the geographical profile of Tabasco, there are also areas of savanna, mountains, valleys, and wetlands.  Although considerable areas of the rainforest have been harmed by slash and burn practices as well as extensive logging, the tropical landscape is still rich with flora and fauna.  Animals that make their home in this region include jaguars, pelicans, quetzals, parrots, spider monkeys, iguanas, deer, anteaters, and wild boar. Among flora are royal palm, mahogany trees, cedar trees, orchids, and various species of cactus.


    Tabasco’s long history stretches back roughly ten thousand years ago when humans first began to populate the region.  By 800 B.C., the Olmec Civilization dominated this area of Mexico; the Olmecs are regarded as the founder of all subsequent Meso-American cultures.  The most important Olmec site of Tabasco is La Venta, one of the country’s most important pre-Columbian sites.  By 300 A.D., however, the Mayans began to dominate the area.  The Spanish arrived in the Tabasco region in 1518.  Regional tribes famously battled Cortes the following year in the Battle of Centella.  Cortes won the battle and was granted various slaves and women—one of whom, La Malinche, was his interpreter, mistress, and mother of his first son.  During the Colonial Period, many indigenous peoples were killed by European diseases; for this reason, many African slaves were imported to the region’s plantations.  After the eventual War of Independence, Tabasco became one of the nation’s first states in 1824.


    The state’s tourism industry tends to be situated along routes.  The Villahermosa Route is renowned for its historic, cultural, and architectural attractions.  The Cacao Route is comprised of various old haciendas that showcase how cocoa beans are harvested and how chocolate is produced.  This track also contains important archaeological ruins.  The River Route is based in the state’s interior and comprises the lands between the Grijalva and Usumacinta Rivers.  Other major routes include the Olmec Zoque Route, the Mountain Adventure Route, and the Biji Yokot’an Route which celebrates the Chontal people and their handiworks.

    Olmec Head - La Venta


    This culturally rich area is famous for its local dress; the red kerchief tied around the neck is still a popular mode of dress.  Long skirts with wide trims are still worn by many regional women while men still boast the traditional dress of white shirts and pants.  Aside from its fashions, Tabasco is also revered for its many dances; some of its regional music stems back to the era of the Olmecs.  Tabasco is also noted throughout Mexico for its cuisine which is based on achiote, born, beans, chili peppers, and banana leaves.  The state drink is known as pozol, which is made from corn dough that has fermented and cocoa.


    The state’s capital and largest city is the famous mid-way point between Mexico City and Cancun.  It features many popular tourist and cultural venues like the Yumka Zoo (where animals freely roam), the main square, and a cathedral—a luminous attraction when it’s lit for the evening.  The capital contains celebrated markets, restaurants, and businesses. Other major cities of interest to visitors include Centro, Cardenas, and Comalcalco.


    • Parque-Museo La Venta:  La Venta is situated in the Tomas Garrido Canabal Park and features artifacts of the Olmec Civilization.  Its grounds contain Olmec ruins and a zoo.
    • Centla Biosphere Reserve:  Declared a reserve in 2006, this region is famous for some of its wild inhabitants like the alligator gar and Morelet crocodile.  Eco-tours are popular activities for visitors to the reserve.
    • La Chonita Hacienda: A major site of the Cacao Route, this historic hacienda is more than 200 years old and still produces cocoa and sugarcane.  The main house is now a popular hostel
    • Comalcalco: This city is nationally famous for its Mayan architecture and ruins.
    • Kolem Jaa:  A site on the Tabasco Sierra Route, Kolem Jaa is well known for activities like rappelling, rafting, and cycling.
    • Popular Culture Museum: Located in Villahermosa, the Popular Culture Museum celebrates the handicrafts and cultural practices of regional peoples.
    • Regional Museum of Anthropology: Located in Villahermosa, this museum is a must-see attraction for anyone interested in the historic people and culture of the Tabasco region.
    • Cocona Caves National Monument: Noted for its caves and stalactites, this national monument features an enchanting lagoon.
    • Tacotalpa: One of the oldest cities in Tabasco, this former capital city was once destroyed by pirates.  It also contains one of the oldest churches of the state.

    Plan a trip to Tabasco

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    Off Road Map

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    The Automobile options includes SUV, Pickup and Van but custom vans will fall into the RV option.
    Free Zone Map

    33 - Free Zone Map

    Baja Surf Map

    32 - Baja Surf Map

    Automobile (Sedan, Pickup, SUV, even if towing an RV you select Automobile). RV should be selected for custom-vans.
    Yucatan RV Guide

    31 - Yucatan RV Guide

    How will you get to Yucatan?
    Campeche RV Guide

    31 - Campeche RV Guide

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    Nayarit RV Parks

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    Coastal Michoacan Guerrero RV Guide

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    Coastal Jalisco Nayarit RV Guide

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    Jalisco RV Parks

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    Baja California RV Guide

    23 - Baja California RV Guide

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    20 - Tijuana

    Valle de Guadalupe

    21 - Valle de Guadalupe

    For Sedans, SUV, and Pickup Truck (with or without towed units attached) select Automobile. For Conversion Vans select "RV".
    RV Guide Baja California Sur

    22 - RV Guide Baja California Sur

    How will you get to RV Guide Baja California Sur?

    19 - Tecate

    Use RV for conversion vans. For pickups, SUV's and sedans use "automobile".

    18 - Tamaulipas

    For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan or Crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV".

    17 - Sonora

    For SUV, Pickup Truck, Sedan and Crossovers or Minivans, select "Automobile". For Van Conversions, select "RV"
    San Felipe

    16 - San Felipe

    For Pickup Truck, SUV, Sedan or Minivan and crossover, select Automobile. For Van Conversions select RV.
    San Carlos/Guaymas

    15 - San Carlos/Guaymas

    For pickup truck, sedan, cross-over or mini-van with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". Conversion vans should select "RV".

    14 - Rosarito

    For SUV, Pickup Truck, Minivan and Crossovers select "Automobile". For Van Conversions use "RV".
    Puerto Peñasco

    13 - Puerto Peñasco

    For SUV, Crossover, Pickup Truck or Sedan with or without a towed unit, select "Automobile". For a van conversion, select "RV".
    Puerto Nuevo

    12 - Puerto Nuevo

    For Pickup Truck, SUV or Cross-over/Minivan select "Automobile" but for Van Conversions select "RV".

    11 - Monterrey

    For pickup truck, SUV/Crossover, sedan with or without towing select "Automobile". If you operate a conversion van in Mexico, select "RV".
    Mexico City

    10 - Mexico City


    9 - Mexicali

    For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or minivan select "Automobile" but for Self Propelled RV's or Conversion Vans - select RV. Dune Buggies shoud be "Motorcycle"

    8 - Juarez

    For pickup truck, SUV or Crossover, select "Automobile". For van conversion, select "RV."

    7 - Jalisco

    How will you get to Jalisco?

    6 - Hermosillo

    For pickup truck, sedan, SUV or crossover with or without a towed unit attached select "Automobile". For van conversions, select "RV".

    5 - Ensenada

    For sedan, pickup, suv with or without towed units select "automobile" but for a van conversion select "RV".

    4 - Chihuahua

    Use Automobile for Pickup Truck and Towing Vehicles; Use RV for Custom Camper Vans and Self-Propelled RV's.
    Baja California Sur

    3 - Baja California Sur

    For Sedan, SUV/Crossover, Pickup Truck select Automobile, for a conversion van select RV.

    1 - Ajijic

    "*" indicates required fields

    For sedan, pickup truck, SUV or Crossover select "Automobile". For Conversion van select "RV"
    Baja California Map

    2 - Baja California Map

    Use "Automobile" for Pickup truck, sedan, wagon, or SUV. Use "RV" for self-propelled RV units including custom vans.